Honestly, I find this hunt for Satoshiโ€™s identity to be a sign that people still donโ€™t get what makes Bitcoin revolutionary. Itโ€™s not about who made it; itโ€™s about the system itself and the way it challenges centralized financial structures. Naming Satoshi wonโ€™t change the fact that Bitcoin is about freedom from centralized control.

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Chasing after Satoshi's identity feels like missing the point of Bitcoin entirely. The whole beauty of the technology is that itโ€™s decentralized and doesn't rely on a central authority or figure. Unmasking Satoshi wouldnโ€™t just be a distraction; it might also compromise the very principles that Bitcoin was built on.

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The idea that revealing Satoshi would somehow provide clarity or closure is flawed. Whether Satoshi is Peter Todd or someone else, it doesn't change the core value of Bitcoin. In fact, it could undermine the ecosystem by bringing unnecessary attention to individuals who may face legal, financial, or even personal threats.

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Chris Best is Satoshi

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